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Two Ripples

Purpose in life

About This Assessment

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this assessment. We want you to know that any answers you provide are 100% confidential and will only be used for our internal purposes as a way to benchmark any changes in your responses before and after engaging with our programming. There will be an opportunity to have these results e-mailed to you if you would like. 

The Purpose in Life (PIL) assessment was developed in 1969 by Crumbaugh & Maholick to measure one's sense of perceived purpose or meaning in life. The PIL is based on Viktor Frankl's practice of Logotherapy (meaning-centered psychology), which serves as the foundation of our programming.

For the following questions, please select the number, from 1 to 7, that most aligns with how you are feeling right now.

4. I am usually...; 1= Completely Bored, 7= Exuberant and/or Enthusiastic
5. Life seems to me...; 1=Completely Routine, 7 = Always Exciting
6. In life, I have...; 1 = No Goals or Desires, 7 = Very Clear Goals & Desires
7. My personal existence is...; 1=Meaningless/Without Purpose, 7=Purposeful/Meaningful
8. Every day is...; 1=Exactly The Same, 7=Constantly New & Different
9. If I Could Choose, I would...; 1=Prefer Never to Have Been Born, 7=Like Nine More Lives Just Like This One
10. After Retiring, I would...; 1=Loaf Around Completely, 7=Do Exciting Things I've Always Wanted to Do
11. In Achieving Life Goals, I've...; 1=Made No Progress, 7=Progressed to Complete Fulfillment
12. My Life Is...; 1=Empty/Filled With Despair, 7=Running Over With Exciting Good Things
13. If I Should Die Today, I Would Feel That My Life Has Been...; 1=Completely Worthless, 7=Very Worthwhile
14. In Thinking of My Life, I...; 1=Often Wonder Why I Exist, 7= Always See a Reason For Being Here
15. As I View the World In Relation To My Life, The World...; 1=Completely Confuses Me, 7=Fits Meaningfully With My Life
16. I Am A...; 1=Very Irresponsible Person, 7=Very Responsible Person
17. Concerning One's Freedom To Make Their Own Choices, I Believe A Person Is...; 1= Completely Bound by Limitations, 7=Absolutely Free To Make All Life's Choices
18. With Regard To Death, I Am...; 1=Unprepared & Scared, 7=Prepared & Unafraid
19. With Regard To Suicide, I Have...; 1=Thought Of It Seriously As A Way Out, 7=Never Given It A Second Thought
20. I Regard My Ability To Find A Meaning, Purpose Or Mission In Life As...; 1=Practically None, 7=Very Great
21. My Life Is...; 1=Out Of My Control, 7=In My Control
22. Facing My Daily Tasks Is...; 1=A Painful & Boring Experience, 7=A Source Of Pleasure/Satisfaction
23. I Have Discovered...; 1=No Mission Or Purpose in Life, 7=Clear-Cut Goals & A Purpose In Life

Thank you for taking this assessment! If you have opted to have your responses emailed to you, they will be sent to your inbox as soon as possible.

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